Two American Recipe Books ca. 1829-ca. 1884

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[Library Title: Recipe books, ca.1829-ca.1884]

Manuscript Location
Winterthur Library, Quaker and Special Collections
Holding Library Call No.
Doc. 1381
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
United States
Date of Composition
ca. 1829-ca. 1884
The two volumes in this collection were kept by one or two unknown persons, possibly in a Quaker household. The earlier of the two volumes includes recipes dated 1829 and 1845, as well as one, on pages 50 to 52, dated 2d mo. 1842, which is attributed to S.H. Weed of Trenton. Other recipes are noted as contributed by people in New York and Pennsylvania. The volume contains culinary, household, medical, and horticultural recipes as well as a number of recipes for dyeing. The culinary recipes focus on drinks, breads, tea cakes, cakes, desserts, and preserves.  There is an index in the back, as well as cross references.

The later volume is mostly given over to medical and household recipes, but it also contains recipes for curing meats, pickling, and puddings. In addition to handwritten recipes, there are newspaper clippings from the 1870s and 1880s, as well as prescription blanks from Dr. E.J. Donnelly of Philadelphia. There is an index in the front of this volume. A complete index of the recipes in both volumes is provided in a database available at the library.