Olive Wheeler's Receipts for Making Cakes, Crackers, &c.

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[Library Title: A receipt for making cakes, crackers, &c. / Olive Wheeler. [18--.]]

Manuscript Location
Winterthur Library, Shaker Collection
Holding Library Call No.
ASC 1026
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
United States
Date of Composition
likely ca. 1830-ca. 1860
Olive Wheeler was a sister in an unknown Shaker community. Her 24-page manuscript cookbook includes twenty-nine recipes, chiefly for cakes, cookies, and crackers. The book outlines three different gingerbreads, as a well as ginger cake, ginger cookies, and ginger nuts (gingersnaps). The cracker recipes include water crackers, bulls crackers, and egg crackers. The recipes are characteristic of the second third of the nineteenth century. The recipes are indexed in a database available at the library.