Willis family recipe book, 1833-1861

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Manuscript Location
University of Iowa Main Library, Special Collections, Szathmary Culinary Archive
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
Date of Composition
This recipe book of approximately 70 pages was likely compiled by a member of the Willis family, as it contains several references to persons of that name. While most of the book's culinary recipes are standard for the period (such things as Irish stew, mutton "haricot," macaroni with cheese, curries of fish or meat, and various fruit preserves), there are also some unusual items, including the rum and citrus drink called Norfolk Punch, here made with milk and bottled for later use. The book contains a rhyming recipe titled Good Plum Pudding, which is seen in numerous books of the day, both print and manuscript, but under the title "Eve's Pudding," which was the common name for the pudding that the recipe instructs. Perhaps the recipe title is in error, or perhaps Eve's Pudding, which does contain currants (i.e. "plums"), went by the name Plum Pudding in some places. In addition to culinary recipes, the book provides A Test to Know Mushrooms, a method for storing apples through the winter, and a way "to have roses at Christmas." It also contains many medical recipes, several pages of knitting instructions, and a list of items given to the poor of the town of Braceboro.