Jackson Kemper Family Culinary and Medical Recipe Book

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[Library Title: Jackson Kemper Papers]

Manuscript Location
Wisconsin Historical Society
Holding Library Call No.
Wis Mss G
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
United States
Date of Composition
likely ca. 1820s-ca. 1860s
This recipe book is part of the library's collection of the papers of Jackson Kemper (1789-1870). An Episcopal cleric, Kemper served as assistant to Bishop William White of Philadelphia from 1811-1831 and as rector at Norwalk, Connecticut, from 1831-1835. In 1835, he became the first missionary bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States, a position he held until 1859, when was made the first Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Wisconsin. He remained Episcopal Bishop of Wisconsin until his death. Kemper is particularly remembered for his outreach to Native American peoples.

The library's collection includes the papers of Kemper's two wives, Jerusha Lyman (1783-1818; married 1816) and Ann Relf Kemper (1803-1832; married 1821), and his three children by his second wife, born between 1824 and 1829. Any of these individuals may have had a hand in compiling  the recipe book.