Recipe Book Covered in Wallpaper

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[Library Title: Recipe Book]

Manuscript Location
Old Sturbridge Village, Research Library
Holding Library Call No.
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
United States
Date of Composition
presumed early 19th century
This recipe book is covered with wallpaper that features an abstract design on a blue background. The book contains a mix of culinary, medical, household, and dyeing recipes. Some of the recipes cite published sources dated 1768, 1774, and 1812. The online library catalog record shows images of the front and back covers of the book, an image of the inside cover and first page, and an image of two middle pages. Pasted on to the inside cover is an advertisement for Wade and Butcher's Old English barbering strop. Located in Sheffield, England, the original Wade and Butcher's was in business from around 1808 to 1829. However, barbering equipment was apparently sold by other entities under the same name in both England and the United  States into the mid-twentieth century. The recipes shown in the images are all medical.