• Hannah Barber Billinghurst Recipe Book
    Hannah Barber Billinghurst
Hannah Barber Billinghurst Recipe Book
Hannah Barber Billinghurst Recipe Book

Hannah Barber Billinghurst Recipe Book

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[Library Title: Charles Billinghurst Papers, 1845-1899]

Manuscript Location
Wisconsin Historical Society, Division of Library, Archives, and Museum Collections
Holding Library Call No.
MAD 3 /33/Q2
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
United States ➔ Wisconsin ➔ Juneau
Date of Composition
presumed begun by 1865
Hannah Barber Billinghurst (1832-1900) was the wife Charles Billinghurst, (1818-1865), a lawyer who served as a Wisconsin Congressional Representative from 1854 to 1859. The couple lived in Juneau, Wisconsin, and had two sons, both of whom became bankers in South Dakota. Hannah Billinghurst's recipe book is part of the library's collection of Charles Billinghurst's papers. The collection also includes Hannah Billinghurst's diary and letters that she wrote to her sons.