Rachel Bullock English Recipe Book, mostly ca. 1730-1760

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[Library Title: Recipe book, ca. 1730-1760]

Holding Library Call No.
Osborn c627
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
Date of Composition
mostly ca. 1730-1760, with a few later additions
This 110-page English recipe book is mostly in a single hand, presumably that of Rachel Bullock, who inscribed her name on the front flyleaf. A few recipes in a later hand have been added at the end of the volume. The book contains culinary and medical recipes as well as a partial index, which is written on the verso of the front flyleaf. The culinary recipes include roasted meats, hams, hog's puddings, sweet puddings, pickles and relishes, cakes, sweetmeats, and wines.