Recipe Book and Proceedings of Uhrichsville, Ohio, Town Council, 1842-1869

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[Library Title: Recipe book and proceedings of town council, 1842-1869]

Manuscript Location
Winterthur Library, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera
Holding Library Call No.
Doc. 1348
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
United States ➔ Ohio ➔ Uhrichsville
Date of Composition
This extraordinarily wide-ranging recipe book was kept by George W. Howard. It begins with the 1842-1843 proceedings of the town council of newly incorporated Uhrichsville, Ohio. The secretary of the town council, Joshua D. Howard, may have been George Howard's father. The rest of the book is given over to diverse recipes, including fourteen for drinks, one for butter biscuits, and another for sausage seasoning. The drinks recipes include portable lemonade, ginger beer or pop, "to make water cold," sassafras mead, small beer, and artificial cider. All of the recipes are indexed in a database available at the library.