Transcribed by Elisabeth Chaghafi
To make paste of
Take small allmondes jli and blanch them out of hott
water into colde then dry them in a Cloath and flourish
beat them in a stone morter till they come to
paste, putt nowe and then a spoonefull of Rose
water to keepe then from oyleing and when they
are beaten to fine paste take halfe a pounde of
fine Sugeare finely beaten and searced putt
yt to your past and beate yt vp till yt twiste
betwixte yor finger and thumbe finelye without
knottes, thenn yt ys beaten innoughe, and then
you may make pyes birdes basketes or anye
pretty thinge printed with mouldes and so gild
them and putt them in your stove and vse them at
your pleasure /.
To make marchpaine/
Take ijli of small allmondes blanch them and beate
them as you doe for the past of Allmondes then
drive yt into a sheete of paste and spreade yt
vpon a bottome of wafers Accordinge to
the proporcion and bignes that you please, then sett
an edge rounde aboute yt as you doe aboute
a tarte, and pinche yt, thenn bake yt in a pann
or oven and when yt ys backte take yt out
and Ise yt with an Ise made of Rose water and
Sugeare made as thicke as batter spreade yt
on with a brushe of Brisselles or with fethers and
putt him into the oven againe and when you see
the Ise ryse whyte and drye take yt out and
sticke longe Comfites in yt and sett vp a standerde
in the middest of yt then gilde yt and serue yt
To make paste royall
Take half a pounde of fine Barberrye Sugeare
finely beaten and searsed putt yt into an
Allablaster morter thenn putt to yt a litle gumm
Dragone steeped in rose water beate yt a litle
and a litle vntill yt come to past and when
you haue beaten yt to perfect past yt ys
fyne, printe yt with your mouldes and so gilde yt
and putt yt into your stove or drye yt before
the fyer vpon a peele[?], laying vnder yt
white papers yf you haue noe stove, and when
they be thorough drye boxe them and keepe them for
your pleasure./
To make paste of vyolettes or
any kinde of flower
Take your flowers and picke them and stampe them
in a allablaster morter then steepe them ij howers
and steepe a litle gumm dragon in the same water
then beate yt to paste printe yt in your
mouldes and yt will be of the verye coullere
and taste of the flower then gild them and you
shall haue eveerrye flower in his owne coloure
better for the mouth then any payntinge
To make paste Ryall redd
Take halfe a pounde of Barberye Sugeare
beaten and searsed, and putt into a stone morter
with a quarter of an oz of gumm dragone steeped
in Rose water then beate yt till yt come
to a perfecte paste with a litle powder of
derosita printe yt in your mouldes and
gild yt thenn putt in your stove and serue yt
at your pleasure
To make past Ryall in Spices
Take iiij oz of Searsed Sugeare and j oz of searced
Sinnamone beate yt in a stone morter to paste
thenn printe in yt in your mouldes and turne
some vppon stickes to make them shoe like
gunnes they be called in Confectionary Sinnamond
stickes other wise called Canalonianes then gilde
them and putt them into your stove drawe
not out the stickes vntill the be drye for else
they will shrinke/
To make muscadine confectes
Take iiij oz of double refyned Sugeare beaten
and searced, putt into yt ij graynes and the
weighte of a penny of the roothe of Orise in
powder and when you haue made yt into
perfeckte fyne paste role yt to thinne as paper
thenn cutt yt like dyamondes with a knife
or a Iagged spurr rowe and soe drye them in
your stove
To make Clove confectes
Take ij oz of Cloves dryed in a dishe in the oven
beate them to powder then take iij oz of Sugeare
finely beaten and putt to yt with ij or iij date
Stones burned and made in fine powder
and that will bringe your powder to
his blacknes then take gumme dragone steeped
in rose water and make yt vp into confecte
paste role yt into longe small roles and with a knife
scothe them a crose at one ende
and fashion them like the blossome of a clove then
stove them and forme them yt ys an excllente
Confecte yt will taste like a Clove and eate
To make Bisket breade
Take a pecke of fine flower and iiij spoonfulles of new
ale yeaste iij egges and a litle swete butter to the
quantetye of an egge, one oz Coryander seedes and
and halfe halfe an oz of Annyseedes make all theise into
paste as stife as for man cheate then bake yt in a
longe koafe, lett yt staye butt one hower in the
oven thenn payre yt and slice yt rubb
them over with fine searsed Sugeare thenn drye yt an
oven vpon a wyer and turne yt in the dryinge and when yt ys
so dryed that you find yt Crispe betweene your
teeth in eating Then take
yt out and Sugeare yt againe boxe yt and you
may keepe yt all the yeare this ys the breade the comfict
makers doe Commonly make/
To make bisket
Take a pounde of fine Sugeare and ij oz of Annyseed
fynely dryed and dusted and putt into your Sugeare
then take an oz of gumm dragone steiped in rosewater
and beate yt vp to paste with ij graynes of muske
and so make yt into a litle loaves lik vnto man cheate
aboute the bignes of egges and lay euerye one of
them vppon wafers and soe bake them in your
bakinge panne and they will rise verye hallowe
and lighte and be as white as snowe and eate
very pleasantly and Continu all the yeare
To make fine Iumbolles
Take a quarter of a pounde of Iordane Allmondes
blanch them and beate them to fine paste
take tow spoonefulles of fine flower and
mingle with them then putt a peece of
Sweete butter the yeolkes of iij egges half an
oz of Annyseedes beaten to fine powder one
graine of muske ij oz o Sugeare finely beaten
make vpe all in paste and role them vp in small
Roles make them in knottes like Iumboles and
bake them on a sheete of white paper in the
ovenn and Ise them with rosewater and Sugeare
and the white of an egge gild them and
To make Allmon Cakes
Take a pounde of Iordane allmondes beate them
as you doe for allmonde milke drawe them
throughe a strayner with creame and the
yolkes of ij or three egges season yt well with
Sugeare then make yt to thicke batter with fine flower as
you doe for briskett breade power yt on small trencher
plates and soe bake yt in an oven or in a baking
panne theise are the beste almonde Cakes you can
deuise to make./
To make fine white leach
Take halfe a pounde of small Allmondes beate
them and straine them, with rose water and sweete
milke from the Cowe, putt into yt ij or three
peeces of lardge mace a graine of muske
ij oz of Iseinge glasse, and so boyle yt on a
Chaffing dishe with coles a quarter of an hower
till yt will stand with you shall trye thus: sett
a Sawcer in a litle colde clay, and putt a spoonefull
in and yf you see yt stand take yt of then
you may slice yt under Covers of puffed paste
or at your pleasure/.
To preserue Oringes
or lemondes
Take your orringes or lemondes lay them in water iiij
dayes and iij nightes to take a way the bitternes
then boyle them in fayre water, till they be
tender, make Sirrope for them as much as much as will
make them to swime about the panne lett them
not boyle too longe in the sugeare for yt will make
the skinnes toughe thenn lett them ly: all nighte in
the Sirrope, to take the sugeare, in the morninge
boyle the sirrope to his thicknes and put them
in galley pottes, or glasses to keepe all the yeare
this ys the beste way to preseue orringes leommones
or Cytrones/.
To preserue Cytrones or muske
Take and Cutt them in halves or longe slices and
parboyle them in water, pare the skinnes of some but
not of all, for some doe love the Cytrones with
the skines make sirrope for them as you did for
your orringes and you may lett them boyle in the sirope longer
then you did your orringes or lemmones yett boyle
your sirrope a litle thickes after you haue taken them out
and so you may keepe them all the yeare/.
To preserue pippinges greene
Take pippins and pare them verye thinne when they
be greene then take x small ragged pippins
and boyle them in a potle of water
till they be all to peeces, take ijli of Sugeare and
putt into the same lyquore first strayne and so
lett it boyle and as soone as yt boyle putt in your
pippins, them leasurelye and ye pippins will
be greene when the be preserued in like sorte you
preserue quinces and plumbes/.
To make paste of genua
Take ijli of quinces and ij of peaches bake them in a pott
in the oven then pulpe them thoroughe a hayre sive
drye them on a Chaffing dishe and coles, then take ijli
of Sugeare and boyle yt to the height of manus
Christi and put yt to your pulpe being dryed
and make yt to the shion[?] of greate water leaves
putt yt into an oven after the breade ys drawne
lett yt stande all a nighte in the morninge warme
the oven agayne and turne yt and putt yt
in and after that, for the space of iij or iiij dayes
sett a Chaffing dish with Coles into the oven to yt
and when yt ys thoroughe drye, boxe yt and
yt will indure all the yeare./
To make paste of pippins
Take xx fayre smoothe skinned pippins payre
them and cutt them in quarters core them
and putt them into a quarte of fayre water
lett them boyle till they be tender thenn power
the lyccore from them strayne them and drye
them vppon a Chaffing dishe and Coles and putt
asmuch sugeare to them as the way boyle
them to the heighte of manus christi then fashone
some of them like plumbes some like leaves and
so stove them and when they are stoved one
nighte, you may putt tow halves of the plumbe
togeather and putt a stone betwixte them
and pricke a stalke into yt so may you make
some like plumbes with stones and stalkes and
some like leaves, for the pippin ys the fynest fruite
to counterfitte any plumbe./
To make paste
of lemondes
Take halfe a dozen of thicke Ryned Leomanes, Cutt
them thoroughe the middest and boyle them tender
in fayre water, then stampe them in a morter
strayne them and drye them putt Sugeare to
them as to the paste o Genua then make yt into
what fashion you will on a shee te of white
paper drye yt int an oven and turne yt in
tow nightes and ij dayes yt will drye. Soe
then you may boxe yt and keepe yt
all the yeare/./
To preserue peaches greene
before the be stoned/
Take your peaches before the be stoned and scalde
them in Lye blanche them in a litle cold water
and the firr will goe of them: the lye must be
made of sope ashes and fayre water, and
when you haue preserued them the will looke as
greene as grasse, there ys noe other way to tak
of the furr butt the lye/
To candy all kind of flowres the
Spanish Candy in wedges
Take vyolettes Cowsloppes or any other flowers
picke them and temper them with the pappe of ij
Rosted Aples and a dropp or ij of neges
and a graine of muske, then take halfe a pounde
of fine hard sugeare and boyle yt to the
height o manus christi mingle them togeather
and power yt on a weate pye plate, thenn
Cutt yt in wedges before yt be thoroughe
Colde gilde yt and soe you may boxe yt
and keepe yt all the yeare yt ys a fine sorte
of bankettinge nuelye vsed/.
To Candye all flowers
as the grow with there
Take your flowers and cutt the stalkes somwhat
shorte, thenn take a pounde of the whitest and
hardest Sugeare you cann gett take viij
Spoonefulles of Rose water, and boyle yt till
you feele yt roule betweene your fingers and
thumbe then take yt of the fyer and coole
yt with a sticke and when you see yt to beginne
to waxe colde dippe in all your flowers, and so=
dainly take them out and lay them and by one
on the bottome of a sive, then tour one a Ioyned
stoole with the feete vpwardes and sett your sive
on the feate of the stoole and cover the sive
on the feete of the stoole and cover the sive./
With a fayre linen Cloath then sett a Chafing
dishe and coles in the middest of the stoole
and the heate will runn vp unto your floweres
and dry your Candye presentlye then boxe your
candied flowers and the will keepe all the
yeare and looke pleasantly
The Suckeett
Candy that the
Comfitt makers
To Candye all kynde of Suckeettes as
greene ginger Lettise stakles or any
other thinge/
What soeuer you haue preserued eyther Lettyce stalke
or fruites, take them out of your Syrropes and
washe them, in warme water drye them well and
take Sugeare boyled to the heighte as you
Candy flowers, and drawe euerye one of them
thoroughe yt, then laye them on the bottome of
a sive, and drye them befor the fyer and when
the be dryed you may boxe them/
To make paste of regia
Take halfe a pounde of Allmonds blanch them
and beate them into fyne paste and take halfe
a pounde of pistacyus beinge beate amongst
your Allmondes take the Brawne of a Capenet
and mince yt small beate yt amongst your
Allmondes and pistacyus putt into yt the flesh
of ij partridges and the flesh of a dozen
of Cocke sparrowes all the flesh must be
rested before you take yt from the bones or
putt into yt halfe a pounde of dates and assurd[?]
of a pounde of a pounde of Sugeare Candye
and a quarter of a pounde of the iiij Coldes
seedes beate all theise togeather till they
come to paste in a morter with tow the
yeolkes of ij or iij layde egges.
ij or spoonefulles of rosewater then make
yt vp in a litle Cakes and bake them
on papers that ys a specyall playster for
any that ys like to growe into a
To make diu Citoniton
Take iiij or v very fayre quinces payre them and
Cutt them in quarters boyle them in a pipkin in a
pinte of verye fayre water and when they are
tender putt into them halfe a pint of redd
wyne vynnegeare and a pounde of Sugeare
lett them boyle one hower after the Sugeare
ys in them lett yt runne through a strayner
into annother fayre posnett and lett yt boyle
vntill yt cometh to a Iellye as thicke as quiddeny
then take yt vp and put yt into a gallye Potte
or glasses yt ys a most speciall thinge for a sicke bodye yt ys
Cordiall and most Comfortable
To Cast all kindes of Sugeare
workes into mouldes
Take a pounde of Barberye Sugeare and Clarefye
yt with the whith the white of an egge then boyle yt till
yt will Rowle betweene your finger and thumbe
Cast yt into your standing mouldes being water
ed before tow howes with Colde water, then
when yt ys colde take yt out and then you
maye gilde them, and soe garnishe a march paine with them
or any other thinge you shall please
To make all kinde of turned
workes in frutidge hollowe
Take the strongest bodyed Sugeare you cann gett
gett, boyle yt to the height of manus christi thenn
take your stone mouldes beind made in three
peeces and tye the tow great peeces togeather
with Incle then power in youre Sugeare
being lightly boyled turne yt rounde
about youre heade and soe your frutedge
wilbe hollowe whether yt be orringe or
Lemmone or what soeuer your moulde doethe
Caste, you must coulour frutage
after the be Caste accordinge to theire
naturall Coulloure: Safforne ys youre
best yellowe Sappgreene ys your best
greene. Indian lake ys your best Redd
all your Coulars must be tempered with
gumme water /. the water must be Rose
To make printed quindinecke
Araby coler of pippins or quinces
Take ijli of quinces pared and Cutt in small peeces
putt them into a posnett with a quarte of
fayre water and when they are boyled farder
putt into them ore pounde of Sugear Clarefyed
with halfe a punte of fayre water lett them boyle
till all the fruite fall to the bottome of the posnett
then lett the lyquore Substance runne thoroughe
a fayre linnen Cloath into a fayre basone: then
putt yt into a fayre basone then putt yt into a
posnett and boyle yt vntill yt vntill yt come to a Iellell
then printe yt into your mouldes and turne yt
into your boxes you shall knowe when the Iellye
ys rddye to printe by rouling on the backe
of a spoone
To make quideny of pippins
Take ijli of pippins pare them and quarter them
putt them into a quarte of fayre water boyle then
vntill they beginne to breake, then put in a pounde
of Brasill Sugeare Claryfyed with a pinte of
water and the white of one egge lett yt boyle
till the fruite fall to the bottome of the kettle
then take yt vp and drawe all the lyquide
substance from yt as you did in your quinces and
boyle yt in a posnett till yt come to a Iellye
trye yt on the backe of a spoone and when yt
ys redye to printe, putt yt into your mouldes and
when yt colde tourney yt vpon a weate trencher
and putt yt into boxes./
To make quidony of
Take a quarte of redd Rasberryes and put them
into a dishe of wood with iij spoonefulles of fayre
water: then bruise them all to peeces with a spoone
or a Rowling pinne strayne them thorough a cloath
into a fayre dishe and seasone yt with halfe a pounde
of Sugeare fynely beaten, then boyle yt on
Chaffing dish of Coles stirring yt till yt
come to a Iellye: your tryall ys on the backe
of a spoone as in all other Iellyes and when
yt ys readye for the printe printe yt and yt
will bee a verye oryente coulare. you must not
putt tow much water to Rasberyes for the will
not abide too much boyling for looseing
theire coloure/.
To make Christall Ielly
Take a knuckle of veale and iiij Calues feete
boyle them in a gallone pott with water till they
be tender take the flesh to your vse
for you neede not to boyle them to peeces and lett
the broath stand vntill yt be coulde, then
take the best of the broathe and putt yt into
a fayre posnet with a pynte of white
wine and seasone yt with wholl spices as
nuttmegges quarttered wholl Synnamone a
little white papper wholl: putt all the spices into
a litle bagge, boyling them in your Iellye
the space of an hower leasurelye then Clarefye
yt with the whites of ij egges seasone yt with
sugeare and iij or iiij spoonefulles of rosewater and a graine
of muske lett y ung yt runne./
throughe a Iellye bagge into: a playtter then
may you melte yt agayne and Caste yt into
glasses or gally pottes
To make leache of
Take a pinte of Ipocrese ij oz of Isingeglas
vj spoonefulles of rose water ij graynes of muske
and iiij oz of Sugeare Candye boyle yt leasurelye
vppon a Chaffinge dishe and Coles lett yt
runne throoughe a Cotten bagge into a
Basonne and when you serue yt in Cutt
yt out in lumpes with a spoone/.
To make the rocke Candye vppon
all spices flowers and rootes
Take ijli of Barberye Sugeare Claryfyed with a pinte
of water and the whites of ij egges then putt yt
into a posnett and boyle yt to the height of manus
Christi, thenn putt yt into a pipkin of earth couer
yt and putt into yt what spyces you will Candy
as Synnamone ginger nuttmegges or flowers
as rose buddes marre goldes or such like stopp the
pott the close with claye and put yt in to a still with a
leasurely fyer vnder yt the space of iij dayes
and nightes then open the pott and yf the
candye beginne to come keepe yt vnstopped the
space of iij or iiij dayes more there willbe somme
Sirrope lefte butt take out the Candye and lay
yt on a wyer and putt yt in an oven after the
breade ys drawne lett yt remayne there one
nighte and your Candy will be drye this ys
the best way for Rocke Candye for making of
so small a quantetye/
The mosse powder
Take a quantetye of mosse that groweth vppon a sweete
appletree, gathered betwixt the ij Lady dayes take
a quarte of damaske rosewater and putt your mosse
into yt stoppe the glasse and sett yt before the fyer
and let the mosse remaine one daye and one night
then take out the mosse and lay yt on the bottome
of a Syrrope Sive putt yt into an oven and lett yt drye
then beate yt to powder Then take one oz of
Beniamine one oz of storaxe Calamita one oz of
Ligum aloes vj graines of muske vj graines of
Ambergreece and graines of Cyvette beate
all theise in a morter together vntill the come
to powder them putt them into your mosse powder yt
wilbe a moste exellente sweete powder./
The names of Sugeares and gummes
Refyned Sugeare harde and white ys best for paste of
Genua, and to Cast all kindes of Sugeare workes
Barberye Sugeare ys beste to preserue withall
Brasill Sugeare white and drye ys best to make
Quideny withall:
The names of gummes for Sugeare workes and
where to buy them
Gumme Dragone an ounce – iiijd
Redd rosett an ounce – iijd
Indean Late ijd in weight – iijd
Sappgreene an ounce – ijd
ffyne golde a booke – xvjd
Party goulde a booke – vjd
You may buy your goulde at the goulde beater and yor gummes
and Coulars at the singe of the Tallott in newgate
To make the Iellye of aples
Take the beste apples you cann gett lett them be pippins
Cutt them in quarters pare and core them and for
euery pounde of those apples take a pinte and a
quarter of a pinte of water Sett yt to the
fyer and lett yt boyle till the apples are well
broken, then take them of the fyer and draine them
gelly water from them, into a cleane vessell and
sett yt to the fyer to boyle with vj oz of Sugeare
make yt boyle apase at the firste and keepe yt
with boyling till you see that your Sirrope will
gellye in your spoone then take yt of the fyer
and putt yt into your mouldes and so lett yt stand
in them till the Iellye ys coulde, and then turne yt
out of your mouldes the which mouldes must firste
be boyled in hott water and then be putt into colde
water and there lett them lye a litle and then
take them out of the water and lett them
and lett them draine till the be something drye before
you putt in your gellye: and looke as you make your gelly of apples so may you make all other
fruites and refyned Sugeare ys beste for this
George Alleme
To make paste of apples
Take the best of those apples you drewe your
Gellye from the quantetye of half a pounde and
bruise yt verye small with your kniffe and then take
the weight of that in sugeare and sett yt to the
fyer to boyle with a litle Rosewater to the
heighte of Sugeare Candye and then take yt of
the fyer and putt in your apples that you bruised
and stirr them verye well togeather and soe lett
them boyle on the fyer till they be allmost
boyled to the height of marmalett stirringe yt
very well then take yt of the fyer and cast
yt into what formes you please vppon white paper
and when you see that yt ys drye on the one syde
turne yt and drye yt on the other and when
yt ys drye on boathe sides take yt and putt yt
into a boxe and sett that boxe in some drye place
and so keepe yt to your vse and yf you putt in
a litle muske, yt will geiue the paste a better
taste and looke as you make this paste so may
you make all other pastes/.
To preserue Rasberyes/
Take the best Rasberyes you cann gett then take
them and way them, and for everye pounde of
Rasberryes take a pounde and a quarter of
Sugeare and devide yt into three partes of
the which take one parte and desolue yt with a
litle water and when the Syrrope boyleth
vpp putt in your Rasberyes and so soone as they
are in, putt in annother parte of the Sugeare
ouer them, and then make them boyle a pase
and when you see that the Sugeare ys dissolued
take some of the other parte and putt yt into the
them as the boyle and euer as you see that
the Sirrope growethe thine putt in your Sugeare
and when you haue putt in all your Sugeare
trye whether the Sirrope will gellye on the
Spoone and yf yt doeth, take them of the fyer
and lett them stande in the panne till the be
all colde and thenn putt them vppe
into into your pottes or glasses the Redd Rasberye
must not be so white as the white when
you preserue them
To preserue Goosberyes
Take the best goosberyes and slitt them on the one side
and for euery pounde of goosberryes take ijli (de) of
Sugeare, of the which take a pownde and disolve yt
with a litle water and sett yt to the fyer to boyle, and when
the Syrrope boyles vp putt in your goosberryes
and there keepe them with an easye fyer, till you see
that the goosberyes are tender and then take
them of the fyer and lett them stand in the warme
panne till they be colde, and thenn putt them vpp
in your pottes or glasses and soe lett them stand
ij dayes and ij nightes and thenn draine the Sirrope
from them then take the other pounde pounde and a
halfe of Sugeare and dissolue yt with a quarter
of a pinte of fayre wate and sett yt to the
fyer to boyle, and when your Sirrope boyles vpp
putt in your goosberryes and make them boyle
apace, till you see that they be cleare
and then take them of the fier and lett them
stande in the warme panne till the be allmoste
Colde and thenn putt them vp in your pottes or
glasses as you please: the goosberyes must not
be too rype when you doe them/.
To preserue the Cherrye
Take the best Cherryes you cann gett Cutt
the stalkes of them something shorte then for
euerye pounde of those Cherryes take ijli of other
Cherryes, and pull them of theire stalkes and
stones and putt them into a skellett, and putt
to them x spoonfulls of fayre water and then
sett them to the fyer to boyle verye faste
till you see that the Sirrope be of a pale
Clarrett wyne coulare and then take yt of
the fyer and drane yt from the Cherryes
into the panne that you please to preserue your
Cherryes in and then take for everye pounde:
of these Cheryes as you meane to preserue a pounde
and a quarter of Sugeare of the which take halfe
and disolue yt with that Ielly water that you
drawe from your Cheryes and when your Sirrope
boyles vpp putt in your Cherryes and keepe them
with boyling verye faste, till you see that
your Sirope will Iellye in your spoone, and euer
as you see that the sirrope of your Cherryes ys thine
take of the sugeare that you keepe out fynelye beat
and putt yt to the Cherryes in theire boylinge and the faster the
Cherrye boyles the better the Cherye will be preserued
and lett them stand in the warme panne til the be
all most colde
To preserue the Aprycote/
Take the best of those Aprycottes you cann
gett, way them and for everye pounde of those
plummes take a pounde and a halfe of Sugeare
of the which take halfe and dysolue yt with a
litle water, and when the Sirrope boyles vp
putt in your Apricottes with the stones out and
make them boyle easylye, and euer as you see
that the plummes take dawne the Sirrope
putt in some of the sugeare that you kepte
out the firste and when you haue putt
in all your Sugeare trye whether the
Sirrope will Iellye in your spoone and then
take them of the fyer and lett them stande in
the warme panne till they be all moste colde
and thenn putt them into your pottes or glasses
Take heede that the Aprycottes be rype before
you preserue them or else the will sowre and
be noughte and those Aprycottes that growe
from the wall ar the best: for they that
for the that grow by the walls ar never rype on
the one side Refyned Sugeare ys the beste
for this purpose
To preserue the damison
Take the best damisones you cann gett way them and
and for euery pound of damisones take a pounde and
a quarter of Sugeare of the which Sugeare take
iij quarters of a pounde, and sett yt to the fyer to
disolue with a litle water and when your Syrope
boyles vp putt in your damisones and soe keepe
turneing and boyleinge on in easye
fyer till you see that your damisons are softe and
then take them of the fyer and lett them stand
in the panne till the be colde and then putt
them vp in your pottes or glasses, and so lett
them stande a daye and a nighte and then draine
the Sirrope from them into the which Sirrope
putt the reste of the Sugeare that you kepte
but at the firste and, sett yt to the fyer to
boyle and when your Sirrope boyles vp putt in
your damisons and soe lett them boyle verye faste
and when that you see your will Iellye
on your spoone take them of the fyer and lett
them stande in the warme panne till the be all moste colde
as you please.
To preserue the peare plummes [top right corner of page 61 is torn off – bits in square brackets are reconstructed]
Take the beste wheate peare plummes that y[ou cann gett]
way them and for euerye pounde of those [pear plummes]
take ijli of Sugeare of the which take ha[lfe and sett]
yt on the fyer and when you see that your [Sirrope]
boyles vp putt in your peare plummes they [must be]
slitted with a pinne on the one side before [you putt]
them in and so keepe them with tourning [and boyleing]
verye easelye till you see that the peare p[lummes are]
softe and then take them of the fyer and le[tt them]
stande in the warme panne vntill the be colde
and then putte them into your pottes and soe lett [them]
stande a nighte and a daye and then turne the
bottome of the potte vpwardes into annother pott
and soe lett them stande tow dayes and then drayne
the Sirrope from them into a panne and into the
Sirrope, putt the other pounde of Sugeare that you
kepte out at the firste and when your Sirrope
boyles vpp put in your plumes, and lett them and lett them
apace till you see that your sirrope will gellye
on your spoone and then take them of the fyer
and lett them stande in the warme panne vntill
the be allmoste Colde, and thenn putt them vpp in your
pottes or glasses as yow please./
To preserue the Barberyes
Take the best Barberyes to the quantetye of halfe a
pounde, out of the which take theire stones then for
those Barberyes so stoned take a pounde and a halfe
of sugeare the which deuide into three partes then
take a pounde and a halfe of other Barberyes stripped
of theire stalkes and putt them into a morter to the
which putt x spoonefulles of fayre water, and then
bruise the Barberyes into a cleane glase or galley
pott and theire lett them stande till you see that
the red water be cleare, and then take that
cleare water and putt yt into the panne that yow
please to preserue your Barberryes in and putt
into that redd water one parte of the Sugeare
tha your Barberyes wayed and thenn sett yt to
the fyer and when they Sirrrope boyles vp putt
in your barbyryes and then putt in annother
parte of the Sugeare ouer them and when yt
ys dissolued putt in the reste and make yt boyle
apace and when you see all the Sugeare
dissolued take them of the fyer and lett them stand
in the warme panne till they be all moste Colde and then
putt them vp into your pott/
To preserue the quince
Take the best quinces you can gett way them
and for every pounde of those quinces take a pounde
and a quarter of Sugeare the which set by and then
take youre quinces and core them then take
them being Cored and put them in boylinge
water and theire lett them boyle till the be
tender then take them of the fyer and lett
them be pared then take for euerye pounde
of those quinces halfe a pinte of faire water
and halfe a pynte of Ielly water drawne frome
other quinces into the which waters putt halfe
the sugeare that your quinces wayed and sett
yt to the fyer to boyle and when the Sirrope
boyles vpp putt in your quinces, and lett them
boyle verye faste and tourneing of them
verye ofte and Coveringe them: lett them boyle
till you see that the quinces are tourned
yellowe and then putt in one of the Sugeare
that you that you kepte oute at the firste & ever as
you see that the quinces bringe downe
the Sirrope putt in still of the Sugeare
that you kepte oute at the firste in
tourninge of them verye ofte and when you
haue putt in all your Sugeare see whether
your Sirrope will Iellye and whether your
quince or Sirrope be redd to your likinge of
eyther of them be well coulered, take et
them of and lett them stande in the
warme panne till they be allmoste colde
and thenne putt them vp in your pottes or glasses
as you please yf you putt in a litle rose
water and muske a litle before you take them
of the fyer yt will geiue the quinces a good
taste and looke that your quinces be thoroughe
Rype before you preserue them or else they
will neuer be well coloured /
To haue white teeth
Take honye Barley and satte them togeather
and rubb your theth and the wilbe white and