Samuel William Clay Recipe Book, 1838-1862

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[Library Title: Recipe book, 1838-1852]

Manuscript Location
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Kislak Center for Special Collections - Manuscripts
Holding Library Call No.
Ms. Codex 1752
Manuscript Cookbooks Survey Database ID#
Place of Origin
England ➔ Lincolnshire ➔ Gainsborough
Date of Composition
Clay was a watchmaker, who lived on Bridge Street in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. He married Maria Elizabeth (1815?-1867) and the couple had two sons, Thomas, born in 1852, and Charles, born in 1853. Clay's small red recipe book bears the title "Recipe book 1838," written in black ink, on the front cover. Presumably, the title indicates when Clay began the book. He continued it until at least 1862, the latest date among the book's dated recipes. Most of the recipes in the book are medical, but there are also some household recipes and some recipes for food and drink, including pickles, vinegar, soda bread, and beer.

The word "receipt" has been crossed out on the front cover. "Receipt" was just beginning to be replaced by "recipe" in England and America during the time Samuel Clay compiled this book.